Comic Code is a monospaced adaptation of the most infamous yet most popular casual font. Designed specifically for programming, which is a corner of typography that involves intensive typing that feels more akin to handwriting than typesetting, this typeface took inspirations from friendly characteristics and low-resolution legibility of Comic Sans. It is an unapologetic admittance of Comic Sans’s positives, and a literal manifestation of “code like nobody’s watching“. Comic Code only takes inspiration from Comic Sans and was drawn entirely from scratch, in case you are wondering.
Download Matita Geometric Fonts Family From Trine Rask Matita Geometric is part of a larger type family developed from 2005-2019 with handwriting and teaching in mind. A humanistic geometric sans serif in five weights containing mathematical symbols, roman numerals, fractions, superior-& inferior numerals, tabular & proportional figures. The family share proportions and weights to ensure all fonts (family members) work together well. Matita Geometric is also a very basic typeface suitable for many purposes. Download Matita Geometric Fonts Family From Trine Rask Download Now View Gallery